District Information
What to do if...
While Covid-19 is less risky for most individuals than it has been in the past, reducing transmission continues to be an essential strategy to protect those most vulnerable for severe illness and to minimize disruption at schools.
What to do if…
Your child has COVID-19 symptoms:
- People with symptoms of possible COVID-19 infection should wear a mask, isolate, and test for COVID-19. Common symptoms of COVID-19 include fever, runny nose, cough, sore throat.
- If your child tests negative using an antigen test but continues having COVID-19 symptoms, they should continue to stay home and away from others and retest in 2 days as recommended.
- Please do not send your child to school if they have a fever. Please notify the school of the absence due to illness.
What to do if . .
Your child tests positive for COVID-19:
- Isolate
- Keep your child at home and away from others for a minimum of 5 days.
- Follow all isolation instructions.
- Mask
- If your child needs to be in the same room as others, make sure they wear a well-fitting
mask. - Children whose symptoms have resolved and are fever free for at least 24 hours, meet the criteria to end isolation after Day 5 and return to school. All individuals leaving isolation after day 5 should continue to wear a well-fitting mask indoors when around others through Day 10.
- If your child needs to be in the same room as others, make sure they wear a well-fitting
- Inform
- If your child was at school 2 days before testing positive for COVID-19 or before developing symptoms, they were infectious and capable of infecting others. We ask that you please inform the school immediately so that we can reduce the risk of an outbreak.
What to do if…
Your child is exposed to someone infected with COVID-19:
People who are exposed to someone with COVID-19 do not need to stay home away from others if they test negative on days 3-5 and do not have symptoms. If they start to feel sick, they should stay home and
test right away. For more information, please see Instructions for Close Contacts.