Academic Program of Excellence
Welcome to the Webpage for the Bellflower High School
The Academic Program of Excellence (APEX) is a voluntary organization, established in 2015, with the goal of preparing Bellflower High School’s high achieving students for admittance to the most competitive colleges and universities in the country.
Bellflower’s APEX director will monitor student progress throughout the time that they remain a member. The APEX director will provide the necessary academic support, cultural enrichment, and supervision to ensure student success. Students will also receive leadership development training, in addition to obtaining specialized attention with resumes, college applications, and scholarship applications.
Follow us on Instagram @bellflower.apex
- College Tours*: APEX students will be able to attend a college tour along the West Coast of California. Eventually, the program will expand to other regions of the United States.
- Cultural Events*: APEX students are exposed to the visual and performing arts with trips to top theaters, musicals, and museums.
- High School, College, and Career Planning: APEX students will continuously meet with the APEX director to plan out high school courses, in addition to receiving help on college and scholarship applications, resumes, and job applications.
- Leadership Development: APEX students will discuss concepts about leadership, with the hope that APEX students will become the student leaders on campus.
- Graduation: APEX students will be able to graduate with distinction from Bellflower High School, and will receive several benefits as a result.
*May require a fee to attend, though fundriaising opportunities will be made available to students
Please review the APEX Flyer and/or APEX Brochure for further details about the program.
**NOTE: Please know that testing to join the APEX program is conducted only once a year during the 2nd semester, at the discretion of the APEX Director. Eligible students to test are those in grades 8 through 10 who are current BHS students with a total weighted GPA above 3.6, who will be notified in advance of the opportunity to potentially join the APEX program. Interested students then submit an application, on time, and are then invited to take the test with other interested students in one sitting. Once students are tested, scores are then compared with students of the same grade level, and only the highest scores per grade level are accepted into the program. Requests for alternate testing days/times are not permitted. Failure to follow the application deadline or testing procedures will also disqualify students from joining APEX for the following school year. The number of students accepted per grade level each year does vary slightly, depending on how students performed overall. In general, approximately 15 new 8th and 9th grade students and 5 new 10th grade students are invited to join each year. Overall, this consistently keeps approximately 95 students of grades 9-12 in the APEX program each year.
For more information please contact the APEX Director Dr. Tehrani at
- Maintain an minimal Weighted Total GPA of 3.6 or above while in high school
- Score high on the APEX Exam, compared to other students of the same grade level
- No D or F in any class
- Take a minimum of five Advanced Placement (AP) classes through the course of their high school career
- Each year, the student MUST be enrolled in an AP class, plus have at least one additional honors and/or AP course.
- Each year, APEX students will be given the ability to order APEX clothing, which is expected to be worn by students on campus on specific days of the year, and for field trips.
- Removal from APEX can occur for a variety of reasons, including:
- Failure to maintain the proper GPA for more than 1 semester
- Failure to attend mandatory meetings
- Failure to complete APEX "homework" assignments and readings
- Failure to maintain proper school behavior worthy of APEX
Grading in AP Classes (Advanced Placement = college level courses)
- It is not unusual for straight A students to earn their first B or C upon entering APEX while they adjust to the more demanding requirements of AP classes. Students eventually will adjust to the level of rigor that is required of them.
- AP courses are more difficult than Honors or college prep courses as they are actual college-level courses and require a significant increase in time spent studying and preparing for exams.
- GPA is weighed as follows in an AP course:
- 5.0 = A 4.0 = B 3.0 = C
- D and F are not weighted and not accepted for application to the Cal State University or University of California college systems
- Time Management is a must!
- For more information, please visit the CollegeBoard Website, which is responsible for the AP Testing and curriculum requirements for AP courses.
AP Courses Offered at Bellflower
AP Calculus AB |
AP Calculus BC |
AP Spanish Language | AP French Language |
AP Human Geography |
AP World History |
AP U.S. History |
AP Government |
AP Physics |
AP Biology |
AP Chemistry |
AP Environmental Science |
AP English Language |
AP English Literature |
AP Music Theory |
The Success of APEX is grounded on a Network of Support:
- First: The Students: APEX Students must be highly motivated individuals who are determined to achieve.
- Second: The Teachers: The APEX director works closely with all the Honors and Advanced Placement instructors to ensure that APEX students are learning in a rigorous and supportive learning environment. Along with Bellflower counselors, the APEX director works closely with students, assisting them in identifying colleges that are a good fit. In addition, the APEX director spends one-on-one time with students throughout the program, assisting students on college admissions essays, scholarship applications, and resumes.
- Third: The Parents: Obviously, successful students rely on the support and involvement of their parents. As students navigate the complicated four years of high school, parental involvement is more important than ever. Parents and students maintain a focus on academic achievement in the face of many conflicting demands. Only parents can see to it that academic studies remain top priority.
APEX Class of 2018
Class of 2019
Class of 2023
College Admission: How to Get Into Your Dream School - By J. W. Lewis
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